Whatever next?

We get it, it’s time to move on. It comes to us all. But where to? You know better than anyone what your skills and talents are; you know better than anyone the environment you require to flourish. But do you know where that is? That’s the million-dollar question, and where we come in. At Otter, we work across the UK, Europe and the US to place talented people like you in roles where they will thrive. From c.£40k up to six-figure exec roles, we’ve relocated many grateful candidates over the years, some of whom have become employers in their own right and engaging us to recruit for them. And thanks to the Otter Centre for Excellence, we do much more than just throw you at the next available employer. Rather, we coach you, nurture you, challenge you to be the best you can be. Ready for action? You know what to do…


The Otter Centre for Excellence